
Information on how to submit a complaint

If you feel as though the Bank has breached your rights, we recommend that you initially attempt to resolve the issue in direct contact with a bank employee. In most cases the issue can be quickly and easily resolved to the mutual satisfaction of all parties.

If this suggestion does not work for you or if the issue is not resolved in direct contact with a bank employee, you may submit a written complaint free of charge.

In Erste bank, the complaint-handling process is governed by the Complaint management policy which regulates the submission, receival and resolution of complaints as well as the management of client complaints. In the following text parts of the Complaint management policy which are relevant to the client concerning the means by which complaints are submitted, received and resolved are presented. For all additional information please feel free to contact us.

How can you submit a complaint?

Emphasize that the subject of your letter/e-mail is a complaint and deliver it in one of the following ways:


Send an e-mail to


Send a letter to:

Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Jadranski trg 3a, 51000 Rijeka

In branch


Deliver the written complaint to any Erste bank branch where an employee will confirm the receipt of which in writing.

Guidelines for filing a complaint

The complaint must contain a detailed description of the event/situation (all facts and circumstances with relevant dates) and, if possible, proof that the complaint is founded. If the submitted description of the event/situation and/or proof is incomplete, we will request that you submit additional information.

When submitting a complaint we prefer that you provide your tax number (OIB) for identification purposes.

Complaints enable us to recognize opportunities for improving the quality of our products, services and processes.

Apart from the above mentioned options, in case you have a complaint or have noticed unauthorized transactions on your Erste bank debit card(s) it is necessary to complete and sign a Card transaction claim form in which you will need to indicate which transactions you claim are unauthorized. We kindly ask you to deliver an original copy of the completed and signed form to any Erste bank branch.

The complaint filing procedure is regulated by General terms and conditions of Erste bank (Opći uvjeti Banke) which apply to the corresponding business relationship.

What happens once you submit a complaint?

The complaint is entered in our system designed for recording and resolving complaints and forwarded to the responsible department. All of your complaint allegations are reviewed, analyzed and a response is prepared.

We will try our best to respond to your complaint as soon as possible. More than 70% of all complaints are resolved within three business days, which is significantly shorter than the legally defined deadline(s). In cases of more complex complaints or when the resolution of which involves a third party (ex. another bank, retail location, etc…) resolution may last longer than expected therefore, we kindly ask for your understanding.

If an e-mail response is expected, please check your junk mail or spam because there is a possibility that the reply will end up there.

What to do in case you are dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint?

If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint you may submit it once again to the following address, emphasizing that a complaint is in question:

Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Tim za upravljanje kvalitetom usluge
Ivana Lučića 2
10000 Zagreb

or send an e-mail to We will send the response to your e-mail address stored in our system, or we will send it by post.

If you are dissatisfied with the response and/or the way in which the bank has resolved your complaint and consider that further contact with the bank will not contribute to the resolution of the situation in question, you may notify the Croatian National bank:

By post:

Trg hrvatskih velikana 3
10000 Zagreb

or on their website:

  • If you as a consumer are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint relating to the field of payment operations, you may contact the Mediation center at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, Zagreb, Roosevelt Square 2, website:, as the body responsible for alternative resolutions of consumer disputes. Furthermore, the bank is obligated to participate in the process of alternative dispute resolution(s) that concern issues which the consumer initiated before the mentioned body.
  • Concerning other fields of business activity with consumers including consumer housing lending, if we do not resolve the complaint to your satisfaction you may also address the Mediation center at the Croatian Chamber of Economy or refer to FIN-NET (the financial dispute resolution network) and request information on the appropriate authorities in the country where your reside. This information is not considered binding for the bank nor is it regarded as consent by the bank in terms of the manner of resolution and/or body chosen for peaceful and alternative dispute resolution.

Proceedings before these bodies may not necessarily result in a binding decision for the parties.